Forgiven Of Your Debt

God loves you, wants to clean up your debt, and get you on the path that will take you to the good life He has planned for you. That is His motive, to love you and get you to the good place He intended for you to begin with - for the interest of your happiness. He is so in love with us that He made plans ahead of time for our mistakes and all we have to do is turn to Him and repent of our old way, knowing we are forgiven to start again and get on that path He had designed for us.

Isaiah 53:4 Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy].

When Jesus gave His life for you, He bore your unhappiness. All of the words used here can be a description of your debt. Jesus bore our debt for us, so that we don’t have to suffer the consequences of that debt anymore.

That is a huge thing, that God would go that far as to have all of our mistakes covered even before we made them. God gave the ultimate gift that even covers not having to suffer the consequences of our foolish choices that got us into debt. 

One day in particular (a day I will never forget) I was struggling with the thoughts of how I was going to pay my debt, so I could do what God wanted me to do. (That was the reasoning I had before I knew I was forgiven of my debt). In the midst of those harassing thoughts God spoke to me and told me, He forgave me of the debt I was in. He said I didn’t have to pay it back, that He would take care of it. Wow!!! I thought I was hearing things. It reminded me of the time He told me what He called me to do and that too, was way too good to true! The good news was extreme! I was having a hard time with comprehending that much love!

My debt kept me from obeying God before He spoke truth to me that day. God gave me instructions to use my gift, to start working on the assignment He gave me to do for Him--but my debt was a harassing me and keeping me from doing what God told me to do. It seemed irresponsible of me to ignore the fact that I owed money, which seemed like what I would be doing if I did what God was telling me to do. The thing I didn’t understand was I would be doing something about the debt by believing that God already forgave me of the debt. He told me that by my action of obeying Him in using my talent as He was directing me to do, that very action, would take care of my debt.

I realized that day I was avoiding the very thing that would have eliminated my debt. I also understood that day, that my debt was already forgiven on the cross. The day God made His forgiveness known to me, I rested and got started on what God told me to do and soon after, the debt that harassed me day in and day out was gone. God multiplied all the seeds we gave and our harvest came in. Now my rest became even greater than the day God spoke to me and told me He forgave me of my debt. He confirmed His Word to me with signs following. 

Not only did He give me rest, wisdom and His plans--but many other gifts and favors: all when I started doing what God told me to do. 

A huge lesson I learned that I want to share with you is any form of disobedience will stop up what should be flowing in our lives. When I finally did what God said to do, not only in this instance, but in all areas of my life, His blessings flowed. But during the time of my disobedience, it was like having a clog in a pipe--those blessings just couldn’t get through. 

If I hadn’t started when God said, “start working for Me, you don’t have to worry about that debt,“ I would still have that debt and would have went back to working a job that wasn’t fit for me. I would have been disconnecting myself from God and the dream life that was originally intended for me if I would have gotten a job and tried to pay my own debt.

That is a huge mistake to make and many are in that place, which may be you today. You may be feeling God is telling you to do something by faith and you are scared. I was scared too, but as I just stepped out in faith on the Words He spoke to me everything just started falling in to place and suddenly my debt was paid.

Like with anything else that God promises, believing which is faith is the power that gets us in the place He has for us. When we believe what God says, is when we can get to that place of action and then see His promises manifest. That day, I acted as if what God said was true, that very action gave me the permission to do what He created me to do. 

It is a step of faith to follow what God is saying, to look to your dream instead of trying to make a living, but it is the reality of finally crossing over to the other side of the rainbow. Walking in the Kingdom of God, to your dream life takes constant communion with God. When you hear Him correct your thoughts to line up with His Word, and when you hear the plan He has for you, that will give you the utmost confidence to move in His direction. 

Hearing God direct you will be essential to get you to the place He has planned just for you

Getting on the path God has for you makes life easy for you. All you have to do is ask God to forgive you and to lead you His way and He will. You will experience the forgiveness of your debt as soon as you ask. Then when you start walking out the plan He has for you, you will see your life transformed.

God will reward those who diligently seek Him. When you do all He calls you to do He will take care of all of your troubles. I am excited to tell you that God is not inclined to be your taskmaster, but your God, your Father who loves you and wants to make all things good and all things new for you.

The very thing He calls you to labor at, the very gift that yearns inside of you to get out--is what God intended for your provision and to keep you in the good life zone, with no debt, no sorrow, and no pain but only good. 

I want to encourage you then to go to God with your burden and lay it down. Do the easy thing He is asking of you, which is to be happy--start living your dream one direction from God at a time.

Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. 30 For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good—not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.