Your Final Outcome
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
Today I want to talk to you about the importance of doing what you are called to do, God’s plan for your life. God has a plan for you and for me and it is a good plan, a plan that includes our final outcome.
Of course all of God’s directives are a part of that plan but I believe what God wants me to share with you today is that final plan, (our call) that has everything to do with our final outcome. Did you know that the plan for our final outcome, what we were created to do is completely ignored by most? The very thing we are created to do and is apart of God’s big plan is the exact thing most people avoid.
I want to tell you what happened to me this week. I had started to worry about some things and in doing so, got off of the plan I am to be doing. I didn’t totally get off the plan entirely, but enough so that I wasn’t doing the plan in the fullness that I had been.
When I first started doing what God created me to do (His plan not mine) I had never ever been happier. Happiness, peace, and joy to overflowing are what my days have been. I was content in knowing that God would do for me what He said He would do. He would give me the desires of my heart, and that He would take care of me.
This week though —suddenly and even right after counseling two people in life about worry, I started to worry. I started to worry so much that I became very anxious. Do you know that worry takes time and even changes your once previous plans to something entirely different? Did you know that worry changes who you are and steals your joy? Well that is what happened to me. Now that I was anxious I could only act happy, even though I wasn’t. I could only try and do what I was called to do, but without doing it.
I knew something was very wrong with me, but I couldn’t seem to do anything about it. That is when I called out to Jesus, and asked “What is wrong with me?”. He instantly answered me and said His anointing was lifting from me. He said that as I worry I live in the enemy’s realm —not His. He said I separated myself from Him with the worry and the actions I took to take care of my worries.
I was acting in disobedience by my worry and in doing so I was rejecting Him and living with the father of lies.
I immediately repented, got back on track, and just like that the favor I felt I lost, my happiness, peace, joy and contentment were all there again. I was so excited to be me —with Him in me again!
God wanted me to share this with you today in case you are one of those who worry. If you worry, not only does worry separate you from God, but the actions you take or don’t take because of your worry, separate you from God. If you worry so much about your life that you don’t do what God is calling you to do for Him, if you can’t do your talent in His Kingdom because you have to take care of you —this is the reason you are not anointed with His presence and power.
If you are miserable and anxious, overworked and discontent or anything else contrary to having a zeal for life— it is because you disregarded one of His commands. Jesus said if we obey Him we would have His joy!
Being separated from God is our doing when we won’t acknowledge His directives in our actions. Faith without works is dead. If you say you believe God and that He has a good life planned for you then you will seek Him to do that plan.
If you live in fear of that plan, thinking His plan won’t provide for you, or won’t be right for you, or any other reason —you will live separated from Him. If you know the talent He gave you to give but you are too afraid to do it —you are worrying because you are in fear. Fear is opposed to faith in God. You can’t live in faith and in fear at the same time because your fear will cause you to disregard His commands.
Jesus said away from Me I never knew you who disregard My command. If your fear causes you to disregard His commands then obviously you don’t have faith in Him. If you don’t have faith in Him, as He said to me one day, you can’t trust Someone you don’t know.
I know that God is saying to a majority of people today, you have your own plan in place, not Mine. He also knows it is because of fear. We worry about what we will eat, drink and wear and in doing so we provide for ourselves separating ourselves from Him and His provision, which brings happiness, peace, joy and contentment.
Matthew 6:33 seek His way of doing and being right and all you need will be added to you. You are not called to work for a living but to do His plan of giving. You are talented by Him to do a work for Him and that work will provide for you.
But as it is you worry keeping yourself from Him and really enslaved by the enemy.
When I lost my joy, happiness, and contentment, I knew right away something was wrong with me because I was losing what I had. I had it all, I was happy, full of joy, I was content, I had everything I wanted and what I realize now— what I took for granted seemed to be dieing and that is how I knew I was without.
I think God is saying some of you never got this far and so you don’t know what it’s like to be so happy, because you haven’t fully committed to His plan. If you did then you wouldn’t be trying to take care of yourself.
If you could know what I know about being happy no matter where you are, to have His fullness of joy in any circumstance, you would get out on the water and start walking toward Him. What if you fall in? He will grab you out; He is in love with you.
If you seek Him as a vital necessity and get on His plan —use the talent He gave you as a your gift to give in His Kingdom you will be blessed when you go in and when you go out, He will be your God.
Am I saying you will have the best and biggest house and car and stuff? No I am saying you will fall in love with Him and He will give you the desires of your heart because you chose Him as your God.
If your stuff is your god, if you are concerned about the biggest house and you put that before Him, He won’t be your God, your stuff will your god.
When we work for a living, guess what we’re saying to God? We’re saying God I don’t need You, I can do this myself. I don’t want to be apart of Your plan I have my own, I don‘t care about You.
Oh He knows you don’t see it that way, but He does —and He wants you to know His thoughts. His plan is not for evil, but for good. When you seek Him as your vital necessary you will have Him. When you have Him you have riches, you have everything, all of it right there HIM on the inside of you —and He will be your final outcome.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. 12 Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you. 13 Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.