Let God Do It For You

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]

God wants to do so much more for us than He’s doing  Why doesn’t He do what He wants to do? We stop Him with our lack of faith in Him.  We stop Him by doing for Him what He wants to do for us before we give Him a chance. That is what He tells me.  He said we get anxious and step out in front of Him putting to a stop the good plan He had.

Think about it. When was the last time you let God buy you dinner, or a new dress?  Did you consider He could get you the car you wanted—but debt free?  Or give you the wisdom you needed in a situation so that you wouldn’t have to spend a lot time trying to figure things out yourself?  Or what about letting Him tell you things to come, how something was going to turn out so you didn’t have to worry, but so you would know for sure He was handling it? 

God has shown me so many times that if I had just waited on Him, and not been anxious —He could have moved on my behalf.  He could have gave me the very thing I needed in that given situation with no struggle.  

God is limited by our doubt —our unbelief.  Because we don’t expect God to do much for us we settle for second best.  He could have paid for it yet instead we settled into having debt.  He could have healed you and saved you time and money and even surgery, but you got scared and had surgery anyway.

I remember a time when God told me instead of letting my son have surgery to fast and pray. What did I do?  I missed it, I got anxious and listened to the lies around me and missed my miracle. My son has had issues from the surgery because I settled, because the doctors couldn't do what God can do.  

God is so in love with us and He is so waiting on us to know that.  To take the time to get to know Him so we know we can trust Him.  Rather than take care of ourselves, God wants to take care of us. God is in love with us and He wants to make a difference in our lives, but He can’t unless we let Him.

God not only wants to do for us because He loves us, but also because He wants us to represent Him.  He wants us to show Him, show the Father— to those who don’t know Him, by how well we live.  Not to live as the world lives but live here, in heaven on the earth.  Rather than living the worlds way without Him, live by His principles and have His best, showing that He is good and He is our best choice.

Look with me what Jesus said.

Matthew 6:31 Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, What are we going to have to eat? or, What are we going to have to drink? or, What are we going to have to wear? 32 For the Gentiles (heathen) wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all.

Jesus said not to worry that our Father knows well the things we need. Not to worry but to seek God’s way of doing and what we need will simply be added to us. Those who don’t know God are those who will crave after and chase things.

Matthew 6:33 But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things [taken together will be given you besides.

Life can be a lot simpler than it is when we are in constant contact with Him, letting Him lead us in righteousness.

Sometimes what He tells us to do doesn’t make sense or even seem like He heard us, but He makes sense and He did hear.  God’s instruction may not make sense right away but eventually you will see His good motive for you, that what He told you to do led you to the good He planned for you.

I remember just a few weeks ago shopping for something in particular. In short—when I found what I wanted God told me not to buy it— it made me sad because I really liked it.  But, I didn’t like it more than I love and trust God so I didn’t buy it.  About a week later He showed me why He didn't want me to buy it.  There was more to the purchase than I was aware of— He was working on my behalf but I couldn’t see it yet.  But because I waited on Him, I received what I wanted to buy times two and of better preference and price.  

Pressed down shaken together into not one, but two. God is good and too good to be true in my opinion!

May I encourage you to stop doing for yourself, stop falling down and just take His hand?  Let Him, and He will lead you in good things and to that place, the good place He has for you.