Give And It Will Be Given

God has a way to meet our needs above and beyond what we can ask or think. But because we worry about our needs and take on a whole different system of living we don’t receive from Him by His intended plan, His way of doing and being right.

Luke 6:38 Give, and [gifts] will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will they pour into [the pouch formed by] the bosom [of your robe and used as a bag]. For with the measure you deal out [with the measure you use when you confer benefits on others], it will be measured back to you. AMPC

So how does that look in real life? We stop worrying just like Jesus said in Matthew 6. Why did He say to stop worry about our lives what we will eat, drink, and wear? Because worry stifles our return.

We can give and give and give but if we worry then our giving (our return) has been taken from us by the enemy. His ploy is to steal, kill, and destroy and he does that with worry, fear of what if it doesn’t work? Subsequently we’re thinking what will I eat, drink, or wear? With that —we’re off doing our own thing again, getting a few jobs, thinking about how we are going to take care of ourselves, with the eventual thoughts of money —and how will I get it. Then of course money is our God because we are always thinking about money (Matthew 6:24). Satan is sly and always has a plan to steal from us. But with the Word (God) as our source we can always win!

We are to live God’s way, seek Him, His way of doing and have faith in His system. —faith (confidence) in His way of living and being right.

Faith is pretty simple but we complicate it with negative thoughts, thoughts that exalt above the true knowledge of God, His ways, His plans that are good. And —those thoughts that we acknowledge, those thoughts we let exalt God’s truth —will pull our seeds of faith right out the ground!

Did you ever pull weeds in your garden and then by mistake pull out some beautiful flowers? That is an awful feeling, and then try to replant them? It doesn’t work to replant flower’s they’re just dead.

And so is it an awful thing when you have planted your faith and then some random thought comes along and you take it —pulling your faith seed right out of the ground.

All that work, all that time we take to hear the Word and then do it, and let one random thought steal from us.

The answer then to your giving and getting results is to just believe, replant the Word in your heart. Believe the Word, the promises of God, take captive your thoughts and think only those thoughts that God thinks. Get faith from hearing the Word and then just go ahead and jump in and do what the Word tells you to do.
