God said this to me, He said complacency will cause compromise (to settle), and compromise will cause a lack of joy. He said a lack of joy will cause a lack of hearing and a lack of hearing, a lack of heaven. He said a lack of heaven is lacking in life and a lack of life of course will cause —death. 

Look with me as these words that define complacency; apathetic, casual, disinterested, incurious, indifferent, insensible, nonchalant, unconcerned, indifferent, half-hearted, aloof, cold, numb, unemotional, callous, hard-hearted, insensitive, unfeeling, calm, cool detached, unfeeling, dispassionate, careless, lethargic, unimpressed, lukewarm— 

Noice the last word —lukewarm. All of these words add up to being lukewarm, which is to be faithless. If we are faithless —He will spit us out of His mouth.


—Revelation 3:16 So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth!

When the race gets long if you are not careful of your time and commitment to Jesus you will loose your fire. Be assured without Him, you will get tired and compromise. You will even become cold-hearted — without feelings toward Him. Now you are not like when you first believed, when you were on fire and full of faith. If you compromise —you will become indifferent, lazy and even numb of the things of God. 

With compromise you can no longer can see by faith, and you will live by sight. Without your fellowship with Jesus you have compromised what you once believed. Now it is how you feel that counts, and how you feel has cause you to doubt Jesus.

We have to be aware that the enemy is sneaky and will come into our thought life if we let him. He will try to get us to compromise our relationship with Jesus. He will work to steal Jesus from you and if he succeeds you will doubt, resulting in —you changing that path that leads to eternal life that you were on, to the wide path. That is his motive, but you can stop him by running back to your first Love.

If he can get you to compromise your intimate fellowship with Jesus, you won’t even recognize the him creeping into your thought life, and you will live controlled by him and estranged from Jesus.

If you don’t have close fellowship with Jesus you will be deceived by the words of others as well. Jesus said to be careful of the false prophets —Matthew 7:15-20. If you listen to the false prophets and you don’t recognize the lie, it’s because you have already become lukewarm. You are not fighting the good fight of faith if you are not fighting for your fellowship with Jesus.  

1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith; lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned and [for which] you confessed the good confession [of faith] before many witnesses. AMPC

If you like what you are hearing from that false prophet, that sin is okay—then your itchy ears (2 Timothy 3:4-5) have caused you to be complacent—lukewarm.  Know —if that is your choice, Jesus, on that day you stand before Him will spit you out of His mouth.

Is it your fault you have been fooled? Yes. If you love God you will seek Him with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. If you don’t seek Him then really you don’t love Him. If you don’t love Him then you won’t live with Him.

Remember the Kingdom of God is taken by force (Matthew 11:12), it is a fight and the fight begins in your prayer closet spending time with Jesus.