When Jesus was showing me I was like one of the five virgins I was often worried about if I would make it to heaven.  We know anything God corrects us in, the enemy will try and use it against us.

God's correction is good, so we can get it right.  He doesn't want anyone to perish.  But for a time I was letting the enemy convince me of how bad I was and that I wasn't going to go to heaven.  All I had to do was take the correction and begin to prepare for heaven, but I got stuck in the condemnation.

Revelation 3:19 Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten [I discipline and instruct them]. So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent [changing your mind and attitude]. AMPC

I decided to just ask God (as I ask Him everything) if I was going to make it to heaven.  Do you know what He said?  He said, “What you believe will happen.”

How hard does the enemy try to convince us of things that are not good?   Like to try and tell me I am not going to make it to heaven—if the enemy can get me to believe that, then that is what is going to happen.  

We know God does use what the enemy meant for our harm, for good.  A lot of good came from the enemy trying to convince me that I wasn't going to make it.  Yes, at first it put me in a place of sadness, but then when I finally just asked God—it really motivated me to get ready.

If we are not motivated to be ready for heaven, we really won’t believe we are going to heaven.  Many when I ask —tell me they hope they are going to heaven.  They're not sure and have no idea one has to prepare for heaven to go to heaven.  I didn't know that either which was why God corrected me.  I am constantly asking God to correct me so I am not thinking a lie. 

Speaking of lies, many are sitting around with their heads in the clouds, thinking everyone goes to heaven—but that is not true.  Another lie from the enemy.

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. AMPC

The will of the Father is obeying Him and many can't obey Him because they have no idea what He is thinking.  That is why I am always asking for correction—if I don’t I might be thinking a lie.  If I am thinking a lie, I will miss heaven.  If I think I am doing His will and then find out I am not —on that day when I stand before Jesus—it will be too late.

God taught me we have to have faith for heaven just like any other promise in the Word. We have to prepare for heaven to get to heaven.  Just like we prepare for anything else, we have to prepare for heaven.

When we are preparing and actively serving in being a part of His return then we are preparing —then faith action is in place for us to enter into the Kingdom of God (James 2:17).

If we want God to heal us it doesn't just happen, but we have to dig in the Word and find those promises for healing. Then we have to apply the directions we find in the Word to receive those promises.   Moving into the Kingdom of Heaven is the same, we have to dig into the Word, find those promises and then apply the directions given to receive them.

You don't want to gamble with your eternity, find those promises today, apply those directions, so that you don't miss being with God for eternity!